KODA Distribution Group required a comprehensive branding effort to help launch the new venture-backed specialty chemical distribution company assume an industry leader position. The effort began with an extensive industry evaluation to identify a clear direction for all future branding. That effort included a new brand mark, tag line, positioning, vertical industry icons, branding platform and guideline to tie existing and future KODA affiliate companies within the network, corporate videos, collateral, signage and integrated website.

KODA's new brand mark incorporates a gold hexagon (benzene ring) surrounding the initials KDG and the new corporate tag line, "Specialty Focused, Technically Driven."

A style guide was created for KODA's new brand launch for ease and consistency of application for KODA and its affiliate companies / partners.

A variety of configurations were designed during KODA's branding phase to prepare for the broad range of application needs after launch.

KODA Distribution Group's new branding applied to its business cards, stationary and envelopes.

One of KODA's first applications for their new branding effort included the company's website www.kodadistribution.com. Serving seven unique specialty markets through eleven leading specialty chemical companies created several branding and technical challenges, which required a concise branding message and functional / user-friendly interface.

A variety of branding assets were created to help KODA communicate its various business segments and broad industry network capabilities.

KODA's corporate website was designed as a template to conform all 11 KDG affiliate websites. This brand consistency was an important consideration in tying together the entire KDG network into one comprehensive industry leader, which supports the tag line, "The KDG Advantage." Above is Adapco's website serving the Specialty Ag business segment.

KODA's new branding was incorporated into an advertising campaign, communicating KODA's specialty focused, technically driven positioning–The KDG Advantage.

KODA's new branding required a consistency across all of its affiliate companies' branding and advertising efforts. Above is a coop advertisement for Monson Companies and HollyFrontier.