NFL Feel The Power TV, :60 "Mel Knoke"
MelKnoke was one of the NFL’s most unsung heroes. An 89-year old Green Bay packerseason ticket holder who missed only eleven home games in seventy years.
This spot was one of the first in a series of NFL “Feel the Power” TVadvertisements honoring people behind NFL’s sidelines–people like Mel Knoke whomay not be written about in the sports pages everyday, but are an integralcomponent of the NFL's success. Mel Knoke felt the power of the NFL longbefore it became a tag line.
This spot was one of the first in a series of NFL “Feel the Power” TVadvertisements honoring people behind NFL’s sidelines–people like Mel Knoke whomay not be written about in the sports pages everyday, but are an integralcomponent of the NFL's success. Mel Knoke felt the power of the NFL longbefore it became a tag line.